Sat & Sun 9:00 PM




Seher is a true Anatolian woman, devoted to her values and a little conservative. In her eyes, all three of her children are gems. So much so that, Seher talks big only when it comes to her children “I made them out of my own soil, shaped them as good people. My kids won’t do anyone wrong, do know know sin or ill profit.”

Agah Karaçay, one of the giants of the logistics industry, is looking for a bride in his hometown, for

his nephew who was confined in a wheelchair due to a childhood accident. This offer reaches a

fellow townsman, grandma Neriman. Neriman, knowing that Seher would never accept such offer,

convinces her little granddaughter and creates masterful deceit.

Karaçays’ lives could be seen as powerful, magnificent and colorful lives from the outside, but in fact contain dangerous secrets. Taking a step into the Karaçay mansion, Seher will be tested with the things she feared the most: with her kids, ambition and money, these experiences will shake both families deeply and completely change their lives.
